gloo-timers 0.2.4

Convenience crate for working with JavaScript timers

Built with 🦀🕸 by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group

Working with timers on the Web: setTimeout and setInterval.

These APIs come in two flavors:

  1. a callback style (that more directly mimics the JavaScript APIs), and
  2. a Futures and Streams API.


Timeouts fire once after a period of time (measured in milliseconds).

Timeouts with a Callback Function

use gloo_timers::callback::Timeout;

let timeout = Timeout::new(1_000, move || {
    // Do something after the one second timeout is up!

// Since we don't plan on cancelling the timeout, call `forget`.

Timeouts as Futures

With the futures feature enabled, a future module containing futures-based timers is exposed.